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EditDate 2021/04/22

Related Threads: Arts

My muse is music.

Working on sounds.

Recording settling down to fine tuning...probably aneverending. process.

Looking at seeing the sound.Web References

Smoking on the Porch

Working on incorporating Schrödinger equation


Reference Links

Local WebContent
W3 Web Audio API Recommendation
Mozilla AnalyserNode
Mozilla Web Audio API
Apple HTML5 Audio Video Introduction
OLD Apple Playing Sounds
Have fun be free be safe be well.

Guitar Wand

If there's magic in the world it comes from new strings on a good guitar.

Service Items

Reflect Screen9 December 2023 00:00:00JohnnyWant to use xandr to reflect monitor taking advantage of best resoluition yet coveringf full screen size or more.NA
Recording drops10 December 2022 00:00:00JohnnyRecording on porch when all of sudden Ardour stops recording though continues tracking.NA


Setting up necessary toys.


+ Simple Working getMediaDevices

Tuning Ubuntu Studio



I'm hesitating more than usual here.

Normally I'd be hacking up a program and then adapting it as I go to get what I want. Indeed that's how I started out creating and analyzing wav, riff and flac audio files. In the course of that I've closed on flac as my distribution and hope to do a javascript screen display directly from a flac file.

I do believe that is the right structure and format but got stuck there for one pretty solid reason. Looking at simple E string pluck how would you visualize it? A 7< second seemingly continuous sound geometrically decreasing in amplitude.

Let's simplify and assume it's pure exclusive 82hz recorded in 192,000 samples per second. Doing the math that means from pluck onward every 2341.4634146341 samples there's a high amplitude sample that is decreasing. Rounding off and keeping in mind pure exclusive pitch the other 2340 samples are dead quiet.

My initial take is I have 3 parameters to work with on the screen

  1. Location
  2. Brightness
  3. Color

which I'm leaning toward mapping

  1. Location streamed to screen sequentially as pixels wrapping at screen boundaries
  2. Brightness = amplitude sample with quiet 2340 0(no change)
  3. Color infra red and below ROYGBIV ultra violet and above mapped last recognized pitch from 0hz 20hz human hearing 22,000hz 192,000hz

Two things I cannot seem to wrap my head around are

  1. The sound though seemingly continuous and analog is belied by 2340 holes.
  2. What does someone or something whose hearing range is broader than mine hear?


Balancing the 192hz music and the screen refresh cycle is the next step. The screen refresh cycle will vary based on device running the browser which I have no control over. Leaning towrd defaulting to 60hz but not sure what that means yet.

Setting up tuning parameters in select.html. Currently the only working parameter is the number of circles.

Looking to restructure seeTheMusic.js to run everything on single pass draw so every animation draws everything.

Sinusoidal Functions

  1. Radian measure is defined such that the angle associated with the arc of length 1 on the unit circle has radian measure 1. An angle with a degree measure of 180° has a radian measure of 𝜋π rad.
  2. For acute angles θ,the values of the trigonometric functions are defined as ratios of two sides of a right triangle in which one of the acute angles is θ.
  3. For a general angle θ, let (𝑥,𝑦) be a point on a circle of radius 𝑟 corresponding to this angle θ. # The trigonometric functions can be written as ratios involving 𝑥,𝑦, and 𝑟.
  4. The trigonometric functions are periodic. The sine, cosine, secant, and cosecant functions have period 2π. The tangent and cotangent functions have period π.

Sinusoidal Values

Base Development

Multi-colored Bar Graph First Step

Well the hesitation paid off and instead of rediscovering and coding Fourier Transforms , figuring out how to interpret PCMs at different sampling rates and compression standards by using html5 <audio> and Web Audio API AnalyserNode I can concentrate on investigating frequencies and amplitudes from 0hz to 96000hz. Created a multi-colored bar graph. Code at seeTheMusic At this point plan is to formalize it setting up a page with ability to pick your audio source. I'll maintain current code at seeTheMusic and see up a visualization page for entertainment and investigations.

Two ways to go now:

  1. Try and simulate the water light show.
  2. Do a 'permanent' (for the duration of the song) pixel growth.

To do this I'm looking at existing canvas visualization, particularly a simple fireworks and trying to apply that to the frequencies and amplitudes the guitar produces. The key is going to be finding the highest number of samples working for the fftsize and employing the magic doubling of octave to an in tune 440hz A guitar strings.

Step 2 Amplitude

Set images, color and fade based solely on amplitude. Next step frequency.


Broke algorithm into three part. 0 Frequency 1 Amplitude 2-4 Circle. Communicating state through web document.

Step 3 Frequency

Using max frequency to control lineWidth and globalAlpha. As part of this incorporation I created select which allows use to select their own song(be sure you have the url of the song ready to paste). In addition I added automatic resize and full screen for canvas.

Step 4 getUserMedia

Go locally live!

Change Control

Using git in development with 2 branches sandbox and main. That works fine. What I'm currently trying to think through is how to preserve old versions that I like of seeTheMusic.js without over complicating improving and moving forward.

Still a work in progress.

Ask user to grant permission to use sound source their machine produces from microphones to Spotify to local library.



Modularization and Live

Going to modularize the draw routines and create a live version. Will then port recorded version over to mudlarization.


Development Environment

Web Audio API

Schrödinger equation

Determining sound parameters to feed Schrödinger equation

The Float32Array that the frequency domain data will be copied to. For any sample which is silent, the value is -Infinity. If the array has fewer elements than the AnalyserNode.frequencyBinCount, excess elements are dropped. If it has more elements than needed, excess elements are ignored.

The indexes of the output can be mapped linearly between zero and the nyquist frequency, which is defined to be half of the sampling rate (available in the Web Audio API via context.sampleRate).


The getFloatTimeDomainData() method of the AnalyserNode Interface copies the current waveform, or time-domain, data into a Float32Array array passed into it.

getByteTimeDomainData (and the newer getFloatTimeDomainData) return an array of the size you requested - its frequencyBinCount, which is calculated as half of the requested fftSize. That array is, of course, at the current sampleRate exposed on the AudioContext, so if it's the default 2048 32,648 fftSize, frequencyBinCount will be 1024 16,384, and if your device is running at 44.1kHz 192,000kHz, that will equate to around 23ms of data.

The byte values do range between 0-255 we're floating point so I think maybe different, and yes, that maps to -1 to +1, so 128 is zero. (It's not volts, but full-range unitless values.)

If you use getFloatFrequencyData, the values returned are in dB; if you use the Byte version, the values are mapped based on minDecibels/maxDecibels (see the minDecibels/maxDecibels description).

Old info

Core code examples

Allows me to work in PCM analyser on supported browsers without worrying about format or synchronization.

Tool Problems

  1. CLOSED pmo1948 know issue. Package not maintained for years. Removing from project as not really require. audio-generator generates an audio source and I have my guitar for that.
  2. CLOSED Gulp too much work for limited benefit. If automation necessary will try npm scripts.


Web Audio API Visualization and Study

Visualizations with Web Audio API

Metadata and References