Who Will Have the Last Word on the Universe? 2023-05-02T03:00:11-04:00

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From johnwunder
To Johnny
Date 2023-05-02T03:00:11-04:00
Headline Who Will Have the Last Word on the Universe?
Source NYTimes

Modern science suggests that we and all our achievements and memories are destined to vanish like a dream. Is that sad or good?

Analysis: Web References https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/02/science/end-of-universe.html

Who Will Have the Last Word on the Universe?Modern science suggests that we and all our achievements and memories are destined to vanish like a dream. Is that sad or good?

The hot star Wolf-Rayet 124, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope during a brief period in its life cycle before becoming a supernova. Our sun won’t become a supernova, but it will begin to die in about 5 billion years.Credit...NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO Production Team

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