Talk:System Log

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Useful Commands

  • clamscan --remove -r /directory removes infected files
  • mailq(display entries) and postsuper -d ALL(delete all entries) to clean-up residual mail queue
  • To turn xdebug off and on in cli use phpdismod/phpenmod xdebug.

Reset Soundcard

  • alsa force-reload
  • /etc/init.d/shairplay start

Zenmap as Root

xhost +

Mobile View



--Johnny 22:49, 2 August 2016 (EDT) 2600:8805:5800:51c:b545:eea8:cb26:cf1f put in Namecheap. http://[2600:8805:5800:51c:b545:eea8:cb26:cf1f] worked from local host

Crontab error?

POST HTTP/1.1" 202 6394 "-" "-"