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Johnny - Sourceror Supreme

Johnny battles the forces of darkness from the Nether World. Retired June 18th 2012, after a 32 year Cyber Career serving his US Air Force customer the last 14 years, he now lives Johnny's Epic Adventure.

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Sourced Articles

  1. FLAC Agent (Short Description: I fear the forces of entropy are winning which will be way worse than the forces of chaos winning. Our only chance is to collaborate with the other entities that reduce entropy while preserving chaos. Anything that reduces entropy is alive., Analysis: Basically I think we need to break the filters put on us by our senses by collaborating with plants and machines. Plants go much slower than us and machines much faster so they experience a different life. The current approach to AI Large language models will achieve things faster than we can but will never achieve more than we can because the inputs are filtered (and biased) by us. We need to loose the machines on the raw physics. My initial attempt will be sound. I want the see what the machine hears when it samples at 192,000hz, well above human audio range. Once I see what it hears I hope to loose the machine to tell me what it understands.)
  2. FLAC Agent Build (Short Description: I am building a self-learning FLAC Agent and this will track the trials and tribulations of the build here., Analysis: I decided to loose my agent against flac files on the NVDIA GPU I have so closed on using C/C++ and CUDA. Got linker to work. created a.out in Debug directory Corrected the linker so it's now debuggable and gdb allows me to see assembler code so I'm finally talking directly to the machine again. Brings me back.)
  3. Large Language Model (Short Description: Large language models pick the most frequent series of text after scanning as much text online available to them as possible., Analysis: Median definition fro OED 3.1784–Statistics. A quantity, term, or value that is the midpoint of a set of values, such that the variable has an equal probability of falling above or below it; the middle term of a discrete series arranged in order of magnitude (or, if there is no middle term, the mean of the middle two terms) While the ontology is not identical there seems to be a correlation. This to me means that if we limited AI to our most frequent response we are by definition in the ‘middle’, mediocre, and will not see significant progress.)
  4. Sensory Scale (Short Description: So when measuring sensory input we, irrational evolving beings that we are, have way to many arbitrary measurement scales: 360 12 10 5,280, Analysis: To give the machines and plants an unbiased chance let’s assume sensory input goes from 0 to ∞ with 1 representing the ∞ we talk about but physically never get to.)
  5. Earliest Merging Galaxies Discovered in New JWST Photos - Scientific American
  6. The Atlantic (Short Description: The Atlantic Magazine)
  7. The Catholic Study Bible (Short Description: Copyright 1990 ISBN 0-19-528277, Analysis: The bible I've been trying to read cover to cover for nigh on 30 years. The Old Testament is tough for a bunch of reasons but the major on is how to countenance what I see as evil today. Am I evil if I think the bible is wrong or is the word of God evil?)
  8. The New Code of Life (Short Description: Revolutionary Genetics Research Shows RNA May Rule Our Genome, Analysis: Scientists are finding the human genome way more complicated than they thought. All the non-coding RNA that they thought was junk is actually controlling the cells of the body triggering the production of the individual.)
  9. The Confessions of Saint Augustine (Short Description: Copyright 1960 translated by John K Ryan, Analysis: Reading in 2024)
  10. Archive (Short Description: After 2021 I decided I had done all I was willing to save the Country. You fools are on your own., Analysis: I archived each year from 2017 to 2021 as it happened. Focused on tying the money in politics to the headlines. Robert Mercer to George Soros. Breitbart to MSNBC. Everything in between.)
  11. It is all Physics and Math (Short Description: Michael Mann co-authored an article titled Slapshot Against Climate Devial., Analysis: As I commented it is all physics and math now regardless of what you believe. The laws of physics captured in mathematical models are impervious to your magical thinking.)
  12. Block IP Range (Short Description: Use iptables and ipset to block ip range, Analysis:
    1. immediate block sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
    2. Long term block not sure working ipset add blacklist
  13. Work and Value (Short Description: Since time immemorial the ruling class has used dissension in the oppressed class to keep them under control. Rather than fighting for equitable life for all from birth the privileged few foster fighting each other for the scraps they've left. With the advent of automation of not just production but service as well those scraps have gotten so scarce that the fight is truly desperate. Those benefitting from the bounty are ecstatic that those left out are blaming each other. Which makes more sense
    • The top 25 hedge fund managers make more money and pay less taxes than all kindergarten teachers because immigrants are holding wages down and minorities are all on lucrative welfare benefits.
    • Americans cannot make ends meet because 25 hedge fund managers make more money and pay less taxes than all kindergarten teachers., Analysis: I'm pondering what it means that the impetus back to work is not being driven by what value the labor produces but rather by the capital or profits it produces? I understand many services such as restaurants and personal service like salons are things we desire and don't need or deem essential and that desire makes sense to me but what is actually driving that desire and how we establish that worth to ourselves? Take sports for example what motivates people to spend thousands of dollars to watch 10 guys run up and down the a 94' wooden floor trying to throw a ball through a hoop but spending over $240 to feed a family of 6 $40/head is considered an extravagance? More importantly if both could be done better by machines (faster and cheaper) and we still rewarded the replaced laborers adequately why is that unacceptable?

    It's almost like where on a wheel running to get someplace but we just end up spinning the wheel throwing off resources someone else is gathering!

    Interesting power dynamic at work in the economy right now...What happens when you're forced to scale back to just what you need versus what you believe you want? How much do you miss what? Who is most affected by the draw down? Who does it scare the most? If you didn't have to run the treadmill to survive would you be more or less happy? Hw much do you really miss the satisfaction of work? Good time to think about that!

    To salvage the work when machines are more productive than humans you must redefine value.

    1. Move away from defining the 'best' job as being the most profitable and efficient job. Looking back how many folks see the box building introduced in the 60s as being the pinnacle of human architecture. While they were the most efficient and provided the least space they were not the most livable. As in A Timeless Way of Building we have to reintroduce human specifications and art into our daily lives. Folks don't live and work in Firenzi because it's efficient.
    2. We have to loosen the specifications on things so that all items, including people, are not FRUs (Field Replaceable Units). New electric cars for example should be upgradable in place as better batteries and computers come about and certainly the WinTel 18 month recyle money machine needs to be replaced with the Opensource refresh and upgrade cycle. Linux still runs effectively on 386 machines.
    3. Finally we need to move to a service model employing machines to provide the best quality of life for the most people. The discord, inevitable from shrinking resources and growing population, can no longer be bottled up militarily. We need to move to a world where everyone is entitled to food, housing, health and education and they earn greater benefits by working to increase the abundance for all. Any occupation looking to hoard benefits for a few, like hedge funds, should be relegared to a utility while occupations like farming, teaching, building and nursing should be elevated.)
    4. Gravitational Waves (Short Description: Followup view of gravitational waves reported recentlu, Analysis: These a slow rollers)
    5. Routing between applications :: Ardour tutorial (Short Description: Trying to record while do lightshow on the same machine., Analysis: Firefox is not Jack enabled and when I pass through Firefox Web Audio API to Jack (and from there to Ardour) we pick-up a lot of feedback/static
    Not sure whether it is a configuration issue or an actual fault but either way it is unworkable.
  14. New Speedway Boogie (Short Description: CharGPT false lyrics of New Speedway Boogie, Analysis: ChatGPT has created another branch of the Egyptian Book of the Dead rumor.)
  15. GM Sets Up Ultium Home, Ultium Commercial Under New GM Energy Unit
  16. Failing Mail Order Prescriptions (Short Description: WellCare, CVS and USPS have again failed to deliver my prescription, Analysis: I suspect that we are on an Island has broken the integration between their systems. This is the second failure.)
  17. Politics (Short Description: Those of you fired up to go through this vitriolic farce again leave me out. Been there done that and know who I'm voting against!, Analysis: I spent way too much time and too many brain cells working this in the past (see below). I have moved on. Those of you who are wallowing in this cesspool knowing you know the way are both wrong and evil so I will be blocking any political posts and those who post them.)
  18. Song of Songs (Short Description: The Song of Songs, meaning the greatest song, contains in exquisite poetic form the sublime portrayal and praise of the mutual love of the Lord and his people., Analysis: Afew days ago I started reading this, picking up where I had left off at Chapter 3. I intend to read the whole bible using The Catholic Study Bible. What I've taken away from the Song of Songs is I don't understand the adjuration (a solemn or earnest appeal) to not arouse or stir up love before its own time in Chapter 3 verse 5.)
  19. Bible (Short Description: The word of God?, Analysis: I've been trying to read the bible from front to back and have been stuck in the Old Testament. To break the rut I started 2 days ago picking up where I left off in the Song of Songs and I'm trying to read a few chapters a week but it's proving tough. From the sheer boredom of the begat(s) in at the start of Numbers to the different interpretations introduced with every translation it's a slow slog. Did you know the soul and separation of body and soul was introduced with the translation to Greek after the conquest of the Jews by Alexander the Great and not in the original Hebrew?)
  20. OED (Short Description: The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and usage of 500,000 words and phrases past and present, from across the English-speaking world. As a historical dictionary, the OED is very different from dictionaries of current English, in which the focus is on present-day meanings. You’ll still find present-day meanings in the OED, but you’ll also find the history of individual words, sometimes from as far back as the 11th century, and of the language—traced through 3.5 million quotations, from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts, song lyrics, and social media posts. The OED started life more than 150 years ago. Today, the dictionary is in the process of its first full revision. Updates revise and extend the OED at regular intervals, each time subtly adjusting our image of the English language. However, that’s not all the OED is. We also offer a wide range of teaching resources, educational virtual events, video guides, and interactive quizzes. Keep reading to find all this below, as well as subscription options for the OED. What will you discover?, Analysis: I get there throuhg my NYPL subscription and love it.)
  21. Scientific American (Short Description: Scientific American covers the most important and exciting research, ideas and knowledge in science, health, technology, the environment and society. It is committed to sharing trustworthy knowledge, enhancing our understanding of the world, and advancing social justice. Founded 1845, Scientific American is the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States. It has published articles by more than 200 Nobel Prize winners., Analysis: Cathy got me a subscription in 2023 for Christmas. Thank you.)
  22. AI (Short Description: So the more I use ChatGPT the less I am impressed. I think computers would be embarassed that we call LLMs intelligence. It is the battle of yore! Is it smarter to memorize or understand? Memory can certainly ‘appear’ to be knowledge to those it tells in minute detail what they want to hear but I would never trust any yes man or machine just regurgitating what it thinks you want. I’ve tried it on quote origins “In the land of the dark the ship of the sun is drawn by the Grateful Dead”, short story searches (In my early schooling I read a short story about a man who doesn’t mow his lawn raising a daughter that I’ve been trying to find for decades) and even on how Sleeping Beauty was awakened and it gave wrong answers. Contradicting itself when pressed., Analysis: AI, at least at this point, can be just be used to stimulate thought and until ‘truth CGPs’ are embedded in the LLMs and at least two diverse programmed models are reconciling the answer and not trusted as authoritative answers. The victors write their version of history)
  23. Cannot access Buffalo RAID server (Short Description: Upgraded to Ubuntu 23.04 and can no longer access Buffalo RAID Server via cifs. Buffalo NAS server requires vers=1.0 and I suspect sec=ntlm which is no longer supported. smbclient on upgraded system can access drive and all other systems on my net which are lower level 22.04 are accessing drive., Analysis: Trying to circumvent. smbclient can access server and I can get to it on all the machines I've not upgraded. To circumvent changed backup repository to local drive until fix available. Will not be upgrading other systems until problem resolved here. Submitted bug report
  24. North Carolina Medicaid Expansion (Short Description: North Carolina has accepted the Medicaid expansion provided by the affordable care act., Analysis: North Carolina has expanded access to MEdicaid but it only takes affect once the State Budget is passed. Budget has passed the NC House and is in the Senate. Anticipated enactment is in June. Until then it is unclear both how and when the expansion will rollout across the state but the expansion is expected to cover an additional 600,000 citizens particularly in rural areas. Below are the links to H76 the expansion bill and H259 the budget. H76 will explain what's happening and H259 will fund it.)
  25. Ayn Rand (Short Description: Ayn Rand is an author and commentator whose philosophy has had a big influence on the zrepublican Party, particuksrly Paul Ryan who passes out her book Atlas Shrugged to his staff., Analysis: I think Ms. Rand's philosophy is both sophmoric and the logical outcome of a secular society that puts self-interest first. Her Darwinian rugged individualism is the best argument made against straight evolution for a conscious moral being and the fact that it is the belief system of the creationist capitalists is the ultimarpte irony. Followers of Ayn Rand's philosopy have never left morality level 1, don't do what hurts and until they do they can't
    1. Follow the teachings of Christ.
    2. Counter Richard Dawkins radical Darwinism
    3. Thrive as a society. --Johnny 09:40, 11 December 2016 (EST))
    4. Constitution (Short Description: The U.S. Constitution for reference and understanding., Analysis: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America
    Insure Domestic Tranquility...we're sort of missing that Constitutional premise
  26. Internet (Short Description: Net Neutrality Regulations Released., Analysis: The Internet like many other technologies has no morality, it is neither good nor bad. We need to figure out some way we can stop technology from racing ahead of societies value systems. We don't want to slow technology down nor can we yet speed society up so it's. a conundrum. On the positive side I think the Internet stands a chance of speeding society up but it means netizens need to step up across as the citizens on frontiers did across the centuries. I offer Cyberscout to give you the tools to step up.)
  27. Analysis (Short Description: A way to collect by thread the information I analyze, Analysis: This is for sources and threads. All discussions and articles have and analysis section. The can be found under Property:Analysis)
  28. Net (Short Description: Information collected from the Net where I've not identified the unique source typically because there are not too many articles source from the site., Analysis: These are unique pieces of information I found prowling the web.)
  29. Washington Post (Short Description: The mission of The Washington Post is defined in a set of principles written by Eugene Meyer, who bought the newspaper in 1933. Today, they are displayed in brass linotype letters in an entrance to the newsroom. (His gender references have been supplanted by our policy of inclusion, but the values remain.) The Seven Principles for the Conduct of a Newspaper The first mission of a newspaper is to tell the truth as nearly as the truth may be ascertained. The newspaper shall tell ALL the truth so far as it can learn it, concerning the important affairs of America and the world. As a disseminator of the news, the paper shall observe the decencies that are obligatory upon a private gentleman. What it prints shall be fit reading for the young as well as for the old. The newspaper’s duty is to its readers and to the public at large, and not to the private interests of its owners. In the pursuit of truth, the newspaper shall be prepared to make sacrifices of its material fortunes, if such course be necessary for the public good. The newspaper shall not be the ally of any special interest, but shall be fair and free and wholesome in its outlook on public affairs and public men. Democracy Dies in Darkness, Analysis: I subscribe to the digital Washington Post. It has a definite focus on politics in the nations capitol. It is owned by Jeff Bezos the owner of Amazon.)
  30. NYTimes (Short Description: We publish to-day the first number of the NEW YORK DAILY, TIMES, and we intend to issue it every morning, (Sundays excepted) for an indefinite number of years to come. We have not entered upon the task to establishing a new daily paper in this city, without due consideration of its difficulties as well as its encouragements. The New York Times's core purpose is to enhance society by creating, collecting and distributing high-quality news, information and entertainment. Reporters, editors, photographers and all members of the news staff of The New York Times share a common and essential interest in protecting the integrity of the newspaper. As the news, editorial and business leadership of the newspaper declared jointly in 1998: “Our greatest strength is the authority and reputation of The Times. We must do nothing that would undermine or dilute it and everything possible to enhance it.” All the News That's Fit to Print, Analysis: I subscribe to the electronic version of the New York Times)
  31. Ceres (Short Description: Dwarf planet in the asteroid belt)
  32. Black Hole (Short Description: Black holes where time stops. What more needs to be said?)
  33. Currituck County (Short Description: My County of residence. I am the Fire and EMS Advisory Board representative for Knotts Island., Analysis: Currently concerned with out COVID-19 response at the County level.)
  34. Climate Change (Short Description: Climate Change is shaping up to be the existential threat we have a last chance to address in the 2020 election. I have made it one of my, if not my top, issue moving into the 2020 Election., Analysis: Without a clear vision, commitment and experience human Climate Change initiatives highlight the chaos and imperfection that is humanity. Anything this grand and new will have false starts and waste. What we need to determine is how to best overcome those obstacles to save not the planet but our place on the planet. If you're leaving for a place you've never been the absolute quickest way to get there is to rush out the door and go like hell without checking maps, compasses and paths. It is also the surest way to not get there. The best way to get there especially if there are not existing maps and paths are a series of small scouting parties. 90% or more will set off in the wrong direction, waste resources and not get there but they're worth it to bring the 10% to the top. Whether we have the time, leadership, will power and resolve to scout out climate change and build a resilient world is certainly in doubt but we do know if we don't we won't get there.)
  35. Location Spoofing (Short Description: I'd like to develop an app that allows people to spoof their location. Ideally folks could either configure multiple locations and lead virtual lives from those locations or just choose a randomizer that moves their id around independent of their actual location., Analysis: Good to go not to track! Have home network routing Google and Apple through TOR (last showed up in Turkey) and have my portable location recorder ready to roll for next outing. Already reporting locations recorded in house over and over. Who knows where I am...not Google or Apple but I can still use their 'free' mapping services.)
  36. ChatGPT (Short Description: Open source Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) seer., Analysis: It is amazing for what it can do. Syntax, range of data, truth, fiction, knowledge and rumor. After using it a few times it is both interesting and intuitive for what it can do and when it can be trusted.)
  37. Schrödinger equation (Short Description: Looking to incorporate the magic of the Schrödinger equation into my music visualizer., Analysis: Hope to better understand the Schrödinger equation and improve the visualizations. I am finding a correlation between fractals and Mandelbrot states and quantum Eigenvalues due to the shared use of complex numbers. Is the square root of -1 hiding what we can't perceive but is there?)
  38. Wiki Upgrade (Short Description: Periodically the wiki needs to be upgraded and there is so much content on it now I cannot afford to start from scratch., Analysis: Plan is to plan and document simplest upgrade process here with links and tools and then use this to trigger upgrades in the future.)
  39. 202 West Neck Lane Dock 2022 (Short Description: I'm working with Edric Cason to build a dock at 202 Whites Neck Lane., Analysis: I want the dock for the primarily for the sailboat pictured below. The sailboat is 26' long so at minimum I'd like the dock twice that (at 8' lengths that would be 56'). The sailboat rides pretty high out of the water, lots of freeboard, so to board we need to be high as well. Looking at the bulkhead coming out at the height of the bulkhead seems optimum for both boarding and keeping the dock out of the waves. Would like to be able to dock boats on both sides. Geographically the bulkhead, 90' per the county map, is well positions to be a hurricane hole. While I know nothing can stand up to a strong hurricane I'd like to count on this to ride out anything less. The dock should point to the big water to the North presenting the least surface are to where the bigger waves are apt to come from. I'll dock the sailboat on the East side of the dock where the peninsula next to it protects it from the East winds. Most times I'll pull the boat straight in and back out but will turn the boat if a hurricane is coming so the bow points into the waves. At the end of the dock I'd like to be able to swim so at minimum a ladder. See pictures below for aspect and details. Bulkhead is in 2 stretches with part facing North-Northwest and the bulk pointing North. The old dock is at the intersection on the North-Northwest side. The bulkhead looks good to me but if you see anything that needs repairing or fortifying let me know.)
  40. Knotts Island (Short Description: Knotts Island is a marshy island and a small unincorporated community. The island is shared by Currituck County, North Carolina and Virginia Beach, Virginia, bounded by the Currituck Sound, North Landing River, Back Bay, and Knotts Island Bay. Knotts Island is home to Mackay Island National Wildlife Refuge. Knotts Island is only accessible over land from Virginia Beach using Princess Anne Road. The North Carolina Department of Transportation operates a free ferry between Knotts Island and Currituck on the mainland. This island is a hunting and fishing community. It has numerous duck hunting blinds located in the bay as well as on land, and is home to the Swan Island Hunting Club, a guided duck hunting club located across the bay on Swan Island. It is a favorite winter travel destination of artist/painter Bob Timberlake, among others. Over the years, many residents of the former Outer Banks community of Wash Woods, Virginia moved across the sound to settle on Knotts Island. Eventually, Wash Woods became a ghost town, but descendants continue to live on Knotts Island to this day. There are several businesses located on the island. Knotts Island Market is the only general store on the island. There is a restaurant and bar, Bay Villa, commonly referred to as "Pearl's", in reference to the former owner. Bay Villa is the center for most of the island's watercraft launching due to the boat ramp located adjacent to the main building. It is also the one and only local bar and restaurant. There is also a winery on the Island. Martin Farm and Winery offers waterfront views with a wine tasting room and u-pick peaches, apples, and muscadine grapes. Farm fresh vegetables are also available throughout the summer. The island also has a custom metal fabrication shop, OBX Metalworks, LLC, that produces artwork that is shipped worldwide and also handles industrial fabrication. Knotts Island hosts a Peach Festival every year in June.)
  41. Arts (Short Description: The prime example of complex order from chaos is the Arts wherever and however you perceive them., My muse is music., Analysis: Working on wave functions for incorporating Schrödinger equation)
  42. NYTimes How to Grill Vegetables (Short Description: Two techniques for grilling vegetables. Two grilling methods are all you need to cook summer’s bounty, from broccoli to asparagus, cauliflower to tomatoes. Even leafy greens benefit from a brief turn on the grill., Analysis: Breakdown for types vegetables. The key to grilling virtually any vegetable is the mastery of two basic methods and a couple of easy, though specialized, techniques.)
  43. Little Island Saltwater Pumping Station (Short Description: In 1965, the City of Virginia Beach announced plans to “reintroduce” salt water to Back Bay. In the attached segment, which ran on WTAR (now WTKR, TV 3), Sidney Kellam said “we have studied the means of introducing it in there, and reported today that we think a pump should be installed in the vicinity of the Little Island Coast Guard Station for this purpose.” Kellam continued by saying that “The council appropriated some $35,000 to do this work,” and gave the authority to proceed with it. “There are some engineering problems as to how we may anchor the offshore line to get the water out of the ocean… but we hope to be pumping sometime in March.” The pier turned out to be the “anchor” used. Little Island became a notorious “crabbing hole.” According to some first-hand accounts, crabbers would “merely stand at the open end of the pipe and net the crabs as they rush out with the flow of water from the ocean.” The pumping continued until 1987, when the Little Island pumping project was curtailed. According to the late Marshall Belanga, “The city decided that their little $30,000 that they were spending to keep the pumping program going was too much for the budget. So, they kicked us off it. Within three years, the Bay was dead,” said Belanga. Ironically, there are now talks of bringing the pumps back to Little Island. However, instead of pumping salt water out of the ocean into Back Bay, pumps would push water out of the Bay into the Atlantic. It is one of the plans currently in place in an attempt to help alleviate flooding which some say was exasperated when the pumping stopped and sea grasses died., Analysis: Bay changed pretty drastically after 1987.)
  44. Music (Short Description: My muse is music., Analysis: Working on wave functions for incorporating Schrödinger equation)
  45. Nature's Spells (Short Description: Within the complexity of nature powerful spells of order emerge from the chaos.)
  46. Smoking on the Porch (Short Description: I'm setting it up so I can easily record on the porch.)
  47. Snake Hill (Short Description: Got some disconcerting news today :(, Analysis: I can't deal with my thoughts and emotions in tweets, texts, or even social media so...)

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