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EditDate 2024/01/19

Related Threads: Religion and Philosophy

The word of God?

For the last 10 years or more I've been trying to read the bible from front to back and have been stuck in the Old Testament. To break the rut I started 2 days ago picking up where I left off in the Song of Songs and I'm reading a chapter a day.Web References

  1. Song of Songs (Short Description: The Song of Songs, meaning the greatest song, contains in exquisite poetic form the sublime portrayal and praise of the mutual love of the Lord and his people., Analysis: Afew days ago I started reading this, picking up where I had left off at Chapter 3. I intend to read the whole bible using The Catholic Study Bible. What I've taken away from the Song of Songs is I don't understand the adjuration (a solemn or earnest appeal) to not arouse or stir up love before its own time in Chapter 3 verse 5.)

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The Song of Songs, meaning the greatest song, contains in exquisite poetic form the sublime portrayal and praise of the mutual love of the Lord and his people.Afew days ago I started reading this, picking up where I had left off at Chapter 3. I intend to read the whole bible using The Catholic Study Bible. What I've taken away from the Song of Songs is I don't understand the adjuration (a solemn or earnest appeal) to not arouse or stir up love before its own time in Chapter 3 verse 5.Johnny