China One Child

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China has had a one child per family policy since 1979 which it has just loosened to 2 children per family

This is the pinnacle of secular thinking believing the State and humankind know what it best and all the consequences. The initial decision had financial motives, they did not want the population growth to eat up the financial growth. The current decision is also financially motivated, at least on the surface, the Government recognizes they can't afford an ageing population sustained by decreasing young workers, Beyond that though China has 30 million more men than women (due to a preference for the one child to be male and all the desperate ways that was accomplished) and that is causing them to loosen their definition of unions to include broader acceptance of homosexuality and recommendations that 2 men take one wife for financial reasons.

This will continue to plague China for decades if not centuries and will lead to so many more unforeseen consequences from militarism to criminality to environmental disaster. It's not good to mess with Mother Nature or God or The People.

2021:Chine One Child

Religion and Philosophy