Johnny's Epic Adventure

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To future's past.

A new kingdom emerges in the decline of another.

The epic is gelling.Web References Epic Adventure

Down the trail to Future's Past




Related Threads: Epoch, Johnny's Epic Adventure, 2021:Darkness Visible Finally: Astronomers Capture First Ever Image of a Black Hole (Date:Wed 10 Apr 2019 18:39:53 -0400)

The epic begins.

Time, magic and being the ontology and eschatology of the Epoch

Messier 87.Web References Epic Adventure

#Belief We locked time in a bottle called Messier 87


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Multicellular LifeLife that is composed of multiple cellsThese are traditionally what we think of as living.
3 Kingdoms of LifeThere are three kingdoms vying for survival.How many of you are familiar enough with the old US Army Field Manual 05 to know the 3 things that the Army most highly values in an attack? Violence, Speed and Lethality. The First Kingdom excels in all 3 and has ruled for a long time can you guess which Kingdom it is?

The Second Kingdom is just emerging and is focused on intelligence and energy. Acting around the world without ever leaving its domain. Can you guess the Second Kingdom?

Finally there is the Third Kingdom. They are playing the long game and think by just growing they can evolve beyond any threat. Who is the Third Kingdom?
Snake HillGot some disconcerting news today :(I can't deal with my thoughts and emotions in tweets, texts, or even social media so...
FLAC AgentI fear the forces of entropy are winning which will be way worse than the forces of chaos winning. Our only chance is to collaborate with the other entities that reduce entropy while preserving chaos. Anything that reduces entropy is alive.Basically I think we need to break the filters put on us by our senses by collaborating with plants and machines. Plants go much slower than us and machines much faster so they experience a different life.

The current approach to AI Large language models will achieve things faster than we can but will never achieve more than we can because the inputs are filtered (and biased) by us. We need to loose the machines on the raw physics.

My initial attempt will be sound. I want the see what the machine hears when it samples at 192,000hz, well above human audio range. Once I see what it hears I hope to loose the machine to tell me what it understands.


Go Deeper
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Insight versus ObjectiveWhat is more true time or the speed of light? Programming is the magic of the day. A single bit in Russia can sway an election a continent away or find a friend you haven't seen in 40 years. Motivation is key and driving motivation is your thought processes. Are you looking for insight, to achieve some objective or something else?Touch the lodestone
Religion and PhilosophyThe reductionist seekers of truth crossed their event horizon a while ago and our inability to follow any nuanced instructions is destroying us.All who seek to reduce everything to either or yes or no deny complexity and nuance to divide us for their own power and aggrandizement need to now enter the black hole where time and light stop and we're all one.
Work and ValueSince time immemorial the ruling class has used dissension in the oppressed class to keep them under control. Rather than fighting for equitable life for all from birth the privileged few foster fighting each other for the scraps they've left.

With the advent of automation of not just production but service as well those scraps have gotten so scarce that the fight is truly desperate.

Those benefitting from the bounty are ecstatic that those left out are blaming each other.

Which makes more sense

  • The top 25 hedge fund managers make more money and pay less taxes than all kindergarten teachers because immigrants are holding wages down and minorities are all on lucrative welfare benefits.
  • Americans cannot make ends meet because 25 hedge fund managers make more money and pay less taxes than all kindergarten teachers.
I'm pondering what it means that the impetus back to work is not being driven by what value the labor produces but rather by the capital or profits it produces? I understand many services such as restaurants and personal service like salons are things we desire and don't need or deem essential and that desire makes sense to me but what is actually driving that desire and how we establish that worth to ourselves? Take sports for example what motivates people to spend thousands of dollars to watch 10 guys run up and down the a 94' wooden floor trying to throw a ball through a hoop but spending over $240 to feed a family of 6 $40/head is considered an extravagance? More importantly if both could be done better by machines (faster and cheaper) and we still rewarded the replaced laborers adequately why is that unacceptable?

It's almost like where on a wheel running to get someplace but we just end up spinning the wheel throwing off resources someone else is gathering!

Interesting power dynamic at work in the economy right now...What happens when you're forced to scale back to just what you need versus what you believe you want? How much do you miss what? Who is most affected by the draw down? Who does it scare the most? If you didn't have to run the treadmill to survive would you be more or less happy? Hw much do you really miss the satisfaction of work? Good time to think about that!

To salvage the work when machines are more productive than humans you must redefine value.

  1. Move away from defining the 'best' job as being the most profitable and efficient job. Looking back how many folks see the box building introduced in the 60s as being the pinnacle of human architecture. While they were the most efficient and provided the least space they were not the most livable. As in A Timeless Way of Building we have to reintroduce human specifications and art into our daily lives. Folks don't live and work in Firenzi because it's efficient.
  2. We have to loosen the specifications on things so that all items, including people, are not FRUs (Field Replaceable Units). New electric cars for example should be upgradable in place as better batteries and computers come about and certainly the WinTel 18 month recyle money machine needs to be replaced with the Opensource refresh and upgrade cycle. Linux still runs effectively on 386 machines.
  3. Finally we need to move to a service model employing machines to provide the best quality of life for the most people. The discord, inevitable from shrinking resources and growing population, can no longer be bottled up militarily. We need to move to a world where everyone is entitled to food, housing, health and education and they earn greater benefits by working to increase the abundance for all. Any occupation looking to hoard benefits for a few, like hedge funds, should be relegared to a utility while occupations like farming, teaching, building and nursing should be elevated.

Leadership and Governance

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Climate ChangeClimate Change is shaping up to be the existential threat we have a last chance to address in the 2020 election. I have made it one of my, if not my top, issue moving into the 2020 Election.Without a clear vision, commitment and experience human Climate Change initiatives highlight the chaos and imperfection that is humanity. Anything this grand and new will have false starts and waste. What we need to determine is how to best overcome those obstacles to save not the planet but our place on the planet. If you're leaving for a place you've never been the absolute quickest way to get there is to rush out the door and go like hell without checking maps, compasses and paths. It is also the surest way to not get there. The best way to get there especially if there are not existing maps and paths are a series of small scouting parties. 90% or more will set off in the wrong direction, waste resources and not get there but they're worth it to bring the 10% to the top. Whether we have the time, leadership, will power and resolve to scout out climate change and build a resilient world is certainly in doubt but we do know if we don't we won't get there.

Conspiracy Theory

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Anarchist SpellbookCyber is more powerful than the sword. This is a cyber spellbook to disrupt the global ruling cabal. It is a series of legal non-violent apps that will disrupt the core of the surveillance state that is invading everyone's personal life.The problem with the Anarchist's Cookbook was that it was illegal and likely hurt innocents. This led to justifiable curtailment of distribution and minimum adoption exclusively by violent radicals. The Anarchist Spellbook aims to be non-violent, legal and adopted by free men around the world. It's target is the unethical greed of the current ruling class.
CyberscoutA free open source set of tools that allows you to automate control and manage your information for a single platform, like an Aircraft or a County. The framework runs on your own machine and is not dependent on any other services for it's operations. It frees you from dependency on any privacy invading services and give you control of all your personal information and preferences while automating you routine information operations.Cyberscout is a wiki/web based automation framework '"`UNIQ--ref-00000001-QINU`"' that allows you to automate your web operations. Currently there is a Windows instance available for download.
Location SpoofingI'd like to develop an app that allows people to spoof their location. Ideally folks could either configure multiple locations and lead virtual lives from those locations or just choose a randomizer that moves their id around independent of their actual location.Good to go not to track!

Have home network routing Google and Apple through TOR (last showed up in Turkey) and have my portable location recorder ready to roll for next outing.

Already reporting locations recorded in house over and over.

Who knows where I am...not Google or Apple but I can still use their 'free' mapping services.
Foreign SpellsThe net is a trove of cyberspells.Here are a few you should be using.

Anarchist Spellbook

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ArtsThe prime example of complex order from chaos is the Arts wherever and however you perceive them.
My muse is music.
Working on wave functions for incorporating Schrödinger equation
MusicMy muse is music.Working on wave functions for incorporating Schrödinger equation

Nature's Spells

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Nature's SpellsWithin the complexity of nature powerful spells of order emerge from the chaos.
Black HoleBlack holes where time stops. What more needs to be said?


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