Talk:Climate Change

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Michael Mann co-authored an article titled Slapshot Against Climate Devial.As I commented it is all physics and math now regardless of what you believe. The laws of physics captured in mathematical models are impervious to your magical thinking.Johnny
Write with links on how the Inflation Reduction Act provides funds to ‘’green’’ the planet.Looking at installing heat pump water heater.Washington Post
Climate Change is shaping up to be the existential threat we have a last chance to address in the 2020 election. I have made it one of my, if not my top, issue moving into the 2020 Election.Without a clear vision, commitment and experience human Climate Change initiatives highlight the chaos and imperfection that is humanity. Anything this grand and new will have false starts and waste. What we need to determine is how to best overcome those obstacles to save not the planet but our place on the planet. If you're leaving for a place you've never been the absolute quickest way to get there is to rush out the door and go like hell without checking maps, compasses and paths. It is also the surest way to not get there. The best way to get there especially if there are not existing maps and paths are a series of small scouting parties. 90% or more will set off in the wrong direction, waste resources and not get there but they're worth it to bring the 10% to the top. Whether we have the time, leadership, will power and resolve to scout out climate change and build a resilient world is certainly in doubt but we do know if we don't we won't get there.Johnny
Across Appalachia, scientists and foresters are trying to reintroduce a hybrid version, helping to revive damaged land while also bringing back a beloved tree.American Chestnuts bandaging mining scars.NYTimes
The reductionist seekers of truth crossed their event horizon a while ago and our inability to follow any nuanced instructions is destroying us.All who seek to reduce everything to either or yes or no deny complexity and nuance to divide us for their own power and aggrandizement need to now enter the black hole where time and light stop and we're all one.Johnny