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Tag for Religion and Philosophy

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For a while I believed plants and machines are conspiring together to reign in us mobile animals. . What I believe is somewhere plants have evolved a network of roots, does not need to be large, that is physically connected at the quantum level allowing communications in the network to be faster that the speed of light. Somehow through this they've gained control of time and once you have control of time all bets are off. <table class="sortable wikitable smwtable"><th> </th><th class="Short-Description">[[:Property:Short Description|Short Description]]</th><th class="Analysis">[[:Property:Analysis|Analysis]]</th><tr data-row-number="1" class="row-odd"><td class="smwtype_wpg">[[:AI|AI]]</td><td class="Short-Description smwtype_txt">So the more I use ChatGPT the less I am impressed. I think computers would be embarassed that we call LLMs intelligence. It is the battle of yore! Is it smarter to memorize or understand? Memory can certainly ‘appear’ to be knowledge to those it tells in minute detail what they want to hear but I would never trust any yes man or machine just regurgitating what it thinks you want. I’ve tried it on quote origins “In the land of the dark the ship of the sun is drawn by the Grateful Dead”, short story searches (In my early schooling I read a short story about a man who doesn’t mow his lawn raising a daughter that I’ve been trying to find for decades) and even on how Sleeping Beauty was awakened and it gave wrong answers. Contradicting itself when pressed.</td><td class="Analysis smwtype_txt">AI, at least at this point, can be just be used to stimulate thought and until ‘truth CGPs’ are embedded in the LLMs and at least two diverse programmed models are reconciling the answer and not trusted as authoritative answers. The victors write their version of history</td></tr><tr data-row-number="2" class="row-even"><td class="smwtype_wpg">[[:Archive|Archive]]</td><td class="Short-Description smwtype_txt">After 2021 I decided I had done all I was willing to save the Country. You fools are on your own.</td><td class="Analysis smwtype_txt">I archived each year from 2017 to 2021 as it happened. Focused on tying the money in politics to the headlines. Robert Mercer to George Soros. Breitbart to MSNBC. Everything in between.</td></tr><tr data-row-number="3" class="row-odd"><td class="smwtype_wpg">[[:Sensory Scale|Sensory Scale]]</td><td class="Short-Description smwtype_txt">So when measuring sensory input we, irrational evolving beings that we are, have way to many arbitrary measurement scales: 360 12 10</td><td class="Analysis smwtype_txt">To give the machines and plants an unbiased chance let’s assume sensory input goes from 0 to ∞ with 1 representing the ∞ we talk about but physically never get to.</td></tr><tr data-row-number="4" class="row-even"><td class="smwtype_wpg">[[:The New Code of Life|The New Code of Life]]</td><td class="Short-Description smwtype_txt">Revolutionary Genetics Research Shows RNA May Rule Our Genome</td><td class="Analysis smwtype_txt">Scientists are finding the human genome way more complicated than they thought. All the non-coding RNA that they thought was junk is actually controlling the cells of the body triggering the production of the individual.</td></tr></table> '''What is more true the speed of light or time?''' [[Category:Belief]]  
I think Ms. Rand's philosophy is both sophmoric and the logical outcome of a secular society that puts self-interest first. Her Darwinian rugged individualism is the best argument made against straight evolution for a conscious moral being and the fact that it is the belief system of the creationist capitalists is the ultimarpte irony. Followers of Ayn Rand's philosopy have never left morality level 1, '''don't do what hurts''' and until they do they can't # Follow the teachings of Christ. # Counter Richard Dawkins radical Darwinism # Thrive as a society. --Johnny 09:40, 11 December 2016 (EST)  +
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. [[Category:Belief]]  +
Any lingering doubts about the reality of black holes dissolved three years ago when the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, or LIGO, detected [ the collision of a pair of distant black holes, which sent a shiver] through the fabric of space-time. Now the reality has a face. Peter Galison, a physicist, filmmaker and historian at Harvard, and a member of the Event Horizon team, noted that there is “a wonderful open-ended sense of being able to see something” instead of merely accumulating statistical evidence. [[Category:Belief]]  +, As matter swirls into a black hole, it accretes into a disk just outside the event horizon. The ring of light in the new image corresponds to the innermost orbit of photons, the quantum particles that make up light. By laying a ruler across that ring, astronomers could measure the size of the black hole and see that it met Einstein’s prescription. The measurement also gave a firm estimate of the mass of the Virgo black hole: 6.5 billion solar masses. That is heavier than most previous determinations, and it suggests that the masses of other big black holes may need to be revised upward. The observations also revealed that the accretion disk — the doughnut of doom — is on its side with regard to Earth, the hole facing us and spinning clockwise. The image is brighter where gas flows around the hole, toward us. Dr. Doeleman described the black hole in the center of the Milky Way as “a fascinating, interesting object.” But it is much smaller than the Virgo black hole, so its portrait is harder to capture. That task lies ahead for the Event Horizon Telescope. [[Category:Belief]]  +, Astronomers announced on Wednesday that at last they had captured an image of the unobservable: a black hole, a cosmic abyss so deep and dense that not even light can escape it. For years, and for all the mounting scientific evidence, black holes have remained marooned in the imaginations of artists and the algorithms of splashy computer models of the kind used in Christopher Nolan's outer-space epic “Interstellar.” Now they are more real than ever. '''“We have seen what we thought was unseeable,”''' said Shep Doeleman, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and director of the effort to capture the image, during a Wednesday news conference in Washington, D.C. The image, of a lopsided ring of light surrounding a dark circle deep in the heart of the galaxy known as Messier 87, some 55 million light-years away from Earth, resembled the Eye of Sauron, a reminder yet again of the implacable power of nature. It is a smoke ring framing a one-way portal to eternity. To capture the image, astronomers reached across intergalactic space to Messier 87, a giant galaxy in the constellation Virgo. There, a black hole several billion times more massive than the sun is unleashing a violent jet of energy some 5,000 light-years into space. [ Sign up to get reminders for space and astronomy events on your calendar ] The image offered a final, ringing affirmation of an idea so disturbing that even Einstein, from whose equations black holes emerged, was loath to accept it. If too much matter is crammed into one place, the cumulative force of gravity becomes overwhelming, and the place becomes an eternal trap. Here, according to Einstein’s theory, matter, space and time come to an end and vanish like a dream. On Wednesday morning that dark vision became a visceral reality. As far as the team of astronomers could ascertain, the shape of the shadow is circular, as Einstein’s theory predicts. The results were announced simultaneously at news conferences in Washington, D.C., and five other places around the world, befitting an international collaboration involving 200 members, nine telescopes and [ six papers] for the Astrophysical Journal Letters. When the image was put up on the screen in Washington, cheers and gasps, followed by applause, broke out in the room and throughout a universe of astrofans following the live-streamed event. "Einstein must be totally chuffed,” said Priyamvada Natarajan, an astrophysicist at Yale. “His theory has just been stress-tested under conditions of extreme gravity, and looks to have held up.” Kip Thorne, an astrophysicist at the California Institute of Technology, and who shared a Nobel Prize in 2017 for the discovery of gravitational waves from colliding black holes, wrote in an email: “It is wonderful to see the nearly circular shadow of the black hole. There can be no doubt this really is a black hole at the center of M87, with no signs of deviations from general relativity.” Janna Levin, a cosmologist and professor at Barnard College in New York, said, “What a time to be alive.” [[Category:Belief]]  ,
We locked time in a bottle called Messier 87  +
We locked time in a bottle called Messier 87  +
'''#[[Voting Campaign]]''' describes how I feel some folks are forcing their world view on me. I have not been happy with the candidates we get to choose from since the televised debates started. I don't think we're getting leaders. I think we're electing photogenic fops who we're forced to elect but do not lead or govern effectively.  +, '''Secular belief systems''' separate ethics and morality from self-interest. It is basically morality level one. '''Don't do what hurts''' or in today's advertising speak ''Do what feels good.'' I maintain both dominant political philosophies in America have taken this to the extreme, realizing related but different amoral cultures. '''Liberalism''' has raised hedonism to an ideal where everyone should be able to pursue their deepest darkest desires as long as it does not impune on anyone elses deepest darkest desires. # Sex without consequences, either physical, emotional or societal. # Freedom without responsibility. # Identity determines life and values with all identies of equal worth and rights. If your idenity puts you at a disadvantage anywhere it is society's and not your responsibilty to overcome that disadvantage for you. # Beneficial government without accountability. This has led to a moral morass where nothing is right or wrong. Everything is justified if it feels good and little has to be earned. '''Conservatism''' has adopted '''Darwinian rugged individualism''' espoused by ''Ayn Rand''. The world is a hard place and hard working Atlas Americans can no longer shoulder the burden of the others who don't work. '''Wealth and power are the justified reward of Atlas Americans and poverty and despair are the just desserts of the rest.''' '''It is my belief that neither of these belief systems is right, sustainable or just.'''  +, [[Ayn Rand]]  +,