Snake Hill

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EditDate 2020/10/05

Related Threads: Belief, Work and Value, Healthcare

Got some disconcerting news today :(

I can't deal with my thoughts and emotions in tweets, texts, or even social media so...Web References Hill

Why Bother

These are crazy times. You never know where the threats are coming from. Heard something today that set me back.

I deal with stress by wearing my body out in hopes that it slows the mind and heart down so decided to try for the beach.

For the last 5 years I've been trying to find my way to a virgin beach with no motors. I set out paddling with North at 7 O'clock and made it across to my cut through where I turned due East. Following the channel up past where motors can go I found my path. After about an hour I could hear the surf and knew I was close. Had decided to go in on the North shore as the South had led me only to swamp so far.

Watching I saw a sandy shore with a two foot step up crest. Looked perfect so I pulled in.

I pulled the kayak out parallel to the shore and stepped out on the the sandy bottom. Solid far so good.

One of the issues I have on my sojourns is I'm terrible at orienteering so I needed to get my phone out of my pouch and flag my location. You can see it above. After I had set where the kayak was I had to decide my path to the beach. It was early and it looked like I was going to make it this time.

I was wrestling with the fact that it looked like a 4 wheel drive road went down to the but from the South side of the creek. As I was deciding to either walk around or paddle Mrs. Cottonmouth decided to move out on the hill three feet from me and at upper calf level. SCARED THE BEJESUS OUT OF ME. I have no idea where she came from, maybe the holes in the hill but was not going to try and figure it out.

Stumbled backwards into the water thanking God I had my snake proof hip waders on. Neither I nor the snake were hanging around to pose for or take pictures. I think we scared each other but by the time I had decided that I was in the kayak a good 15 feet away.

You never know where the threat is going to come from. That hill looked perfect but contained hidden danger.

When Bothered

I decided that maybe today was not the day to portage to the beach. At least if I wanted to keep my waders clean so headed home.

Rather than take the clear path home I decided to wind through the islands and take the shorter path. Was very happy I did.

Came around an nisland point and there was a solid black shirt waving in the wind, probably to scare birds away from one of the many duck blinds. As I got closer though the shirt took on the form of the rear end of a wild horse. By the time I realized it was a horse I was close to the two horses than I'd been.

I was still shaken by the snake but the horses seemed calm and so I stopped and snapped some pictures. The horses, after staring me down, calmly ate grass as I with paddle ready to flail, glided by snapping pictures.

Headed Home

I snaked through the islands and actually felt like I knew where I was most of the time. Cleared the last eastern island and there was Knotts Island in front of me across the Sound.

Paddled the rest of the way to my home marina and decided to write this story.

Hopefully it provided all in need with a little distraction.

Take care and get/stay well.


Last Refrain

I don't go in much for recording for three reasons:

  1. I'm not that good and my singing voice has been used to empty rooms.
  2. The recording never does justice to my beautiful magic guitar whose sound makes the noise I make tolerable.
  3. I feel you share a piece of your soul when you put a recording out.

Below is a recording I made today. You have the option, unlike my neighbors, of listening. Thank my sister, the pandemic and these crazy times. <html5media height="40" width="80"></html5media>