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  • '''#[[Voting Campaign]]'''#[[Voting Campaign]]''' describes how I feel some folks are forcing their world view on me. I have not been happy with the candidates we get to choose from since the televised debates started. I don't think we're getting leaders. I think we're electing photogenic fops who we're forced to elect but do not lead or govern effectively.ect but do not lead or govern effectively.  +
  • '''Secular belief systems''' separate ethi'''Secular belief systems''' separate ethics and morality from self-interest. It is basically morality level one. '''Don't do what hurts''' or in today's advertising speak ''Do what feels good.''</br></br>I maintain both dominant political philosophies in America have taken this to the extreme, realizing related but different amoral cultures. </br></br>'''Liberalism''' has raised hedonism to an ideal where everyone should be able to pursue their deepest darkest desires as long as it does not impune on anyone elses deepest darkest desires. </br># Sex without consequences, either physical, emotional or societal.</br># Freedom without responsibility. </br># Identity determines life and values with all identies of equal worth and rights. If your idenity puts you at a disadvantage anywhere it is society's and not your responsibilty to overcome that disadvantage for you.</br># Beneficial government without accountability.</br>This has led to a moral morass where nothing is right or wrong. Everything is justified if it feels good and little has to be earned.</br></br>'''Conservatism''' has adopted '''Darwinian rugged individualism''' espoused by ''Ayn Rand''. The world is a hard place and hard working Atlas Americans can no longer shoulder the burden of the others who don't work. '''Wealth and power are the justified reward of Atlas Americans and poverty and despair are the just desserts of the rest.'''</br></br>'''It is my belief that neither of these belief systems is right, sustainable or just.''' systems is right, sustainable or just.'''  +
  • [[Ayn Rand]]  +
  • [[Religion and Philosophy]] [[Category:Belief]]  +
  • [[Voting Campaign]]  +
  • {{{2}}}  +