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EditDate 2020/07/16

Related Threads: Healthcare, COVID-19, Competence, SARS-CoV-2

This is a rapidly evolving situation, you need to do your homework.

First take care of yourself. Stay healthy by isolating and work on your aerobics.
Then know the varied symptoms and that they are constantly being added to.
Finally know how to treat and monitor yourself prior to going into the healthcare system. 


The positives

  1. Vaccine may be available by November.
  2. New medicine is available and approved for treatment.
  3. Doctors are discovering and sharing treatments on new symptoms.

The negatives

  1. We are incapable of dealing with a threat that cannot be locked up, shot or bombed.
  2. Science and not rhetoric is all the virus listens to.
  3. Our leaders are too stupid and lazy to understand and fight a long term threat.Web References

[[File:{{#setmainimage:RedCross.jpg}}|400px|link=Care|COVID-19 Care]]

Latest News
  1. Vaccine team has not yet reached an agreement with a North American manufacturer, in part because the major pharmaceutical companies there typically demand exclusive worldwide rights before investing in a potential medicine.
    1. In Race for a Coronavirus Vaccine an Oxford Group Leaps Ahead (Date:Mon 27 Apr 2020 23:13:39 -0400) The Oxford scientists now say that with an emergency approval from regulators, the first few million doses of their vaccine could be available by September
    2. Administration describes a dash for a coronavirus vaccine that would be available in January (Date:Fri 1 May 2020 11:12:28 -0400) Federal Government is in a sprint to get a vaccine by January, unfortunately that will be well into the Fall Flu Season if there is a second wave.
    3. World leaders launch plan to speed COVID-19 drugs vaccine; U.S. stays away (Date:Sat 25 Apr 2020 18:32:11 -0400) A spokesman for the U.S. mission in Geneva had earlier told Reuters that the United States would not be involved.
  2. Promising Treatment “The data shows that remdesivir has a clear-cut, significant, positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery,” Anthony S. Fauci said alongside Trump at the White House on Wednesday. “That is really quite important.”
    1. U.S. passes 60 000 dead as hopes rise for a promising drug therapy (Date:Thu 30 Apr 2020 07:57:01 -0400)
    1. Blood Thickening blood thickening and clotting were being detected in different organs by doctors from different specialties. TREATMENT BLOOD THINNERS BEFORE CLOTTING PROBLEMS
      1. Alarmed as COVID patients blood thickened New York doctors try new treatments (Date:Wed 22 Apr 2020 18:05:59 -0400)
      2. A mysterious blood-clotting complication is killing coronavirus patients (Date:Wed 22 Apr 2020 18:04:55 -0400)
    2. Late Recognition Lung Damage lungs initially remain “compliant,” not yet stiff or heavy with fluid. This means patients can still expel carbon dioxide — and without a buildup of carbon dioxide, patients do not feel short of breath. TREATMENT HOME MONITOR OXYGEN LEVEL WITH OXIMETER
      1. The Infection That s Silently Killing Coronavirus Patients (Date:Tue 21 Apr 2020 13:50:16 -0400)
    3. We don't know what we don't know Doctors do not know all the ways OCVID-19 presents itself and until they do if you're not feeling well for whatever reason you should not rule out COVID-19 without doing due diligence, preferably a test.
      1. What We Don t Know About the Coronavirus The New Yorker (Date:Fri 1 May 2020 12:47:34 -0400)
  4. Cases in the US
    1. Five Ways to Monitor the Coronavirus Outbreak in the U.S.

Care Articles

Care ArticlesThreadNameShort DescriptionAnalysis
Work and ValueCare
2021:Voting Campaign
Coronavirus disease 2019
Since time immemorial the ruling class has used dissension in the oppressed class to keep them under control. Rather than fighting for equitable life for all from birth the privileged few foster fighting each other for the scraps they've left.

With the advent of automation of not just production but service as well those scraps have gotten so scarce that the fight is truly desperate.

Those benefitting from the bounty are ecstatic that those left out are blaming each other.

Which makes more sense

  • The top 25 hedge fund managers make more money and pay less taxes than all kindergarten teachers because immigrants are holding wages down and minorities are all on lucrative welfare benefits.
  • Americans cannot make ends meet because 25 hedge fund managers make more money and pay less taxes than all kindergarten teachers.
I'm pondering what it means that the impetus back to work is not being driven by what value the labor produces but rather by the capital or profits it produces? I understand many services such as restaurants and personal service like salons are things we desire and don't need or deem essential and that desire makes sense to me but what is actually driving that desire and how we establish that worth to ourselves? Take sports for example what motivates people to spend thousands of dollars to watch 10 guys run up and down the a 94' wooden floor trying to throw a ball through a hoop but spending over $240 to feed a family of 6 $40/head is considered an extravagance? More importantly if both could be done better by machines (faster and cheaper) and we still rewarded the replaced laborers adequately why is that unacceptable?

It's almost like where on a wheel running to get someplace but we just end up spinning the wheel throwing off resources someone else is gathering!

Interesting power dynamic at work in the economy right now...What happens when you're forced to scale back to just what you need versus what you believe you want? How much do you miss what? Who is most affected by the draw down? Who does it scare the most? If you didn't have to run the treadmill to survive would you be more or less happy? Hw much do you really miss the satisfaction of work? Good time to think about that!

To salvage the work when machines are more productive than humans you must redefine value.

  1. Move away from defining the 'best' job as being the most profitable and efficient job. Looking back how many folks see the box building introduced in the 60s as being the pinnacle of human architecture. While they were the most efficient and provided the least space they were not the most livable. As in A Timeless Way of Building we have to reintroduce human specifications and art into our daily lives. Folks don't live and work in Firenzi because it's efficient.
  2. We have to loosen the specifications on things so that all items, including people, are not FRUs (Field Replaceable Units). New electric cars for example should be upgradable in place as better batteries and computers come about and certainly the WinTel 18 month recyle money machine needs to be replaced with the Opensource refresh and upgrade cycle. Linux still runs effectively on 386 machines.
  3. Finally we need to move to a service model employing machines to provide the best quality of life for the most people. The discord, inevitable from shrinking resources and growing population, can no longer be bottled up militarily. We need to move to a world where everyone is entitled to food, housing, health and education and they earn greater benefits by working to increase the abundance for all. Any occupation looking to hoard benefits for a few, like hedge funds, should be relegared to a utility while occupations like farming, teaching, building and nursing should be elevated.
Donald TrumpDonald Trump
Republican Party
My Little Conspiracy Theory
Drain the Swamp
Deplorable Lemming Herd
For the Wealthiest a Private Tax System That Saves Them Billions
Nunes Memo
My Little Conspiracy Theory/Russia Investigation Timeline
Gun Sense
LOST ELECTION Donald Trump made immigration and economy his signature issues which has left him exposed on the first right in the Constitution Life!While it's clear from this website I disagree with many of the specific policy positions of President Trump I need to clearly state my root cause of why I believe Donald Trump is the worst President in my lifetime.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made this undeniable

  1. After 3 years of divisive policies it's clear division is the core policy and we as a Country are weaker divided.
  2. Populated with family, fawning yes men and opportunistic politicians Trump's staff, too focused on staying in power, has proven to be so inadequate in leading the Country through the crisis they've willingly abdicated that responsibility to the States and anyone else who willing to step into the breach.
  3. Below top leadership Trump has decimated the ranks of government seeing no benefit to him in populating them with competent personnel. Thus we have a weakened federal infrastructure that cannot execute the mission.
  4. In it's exclusive focus on the economy, at the expense of government service, the Trump Administration hobbled the Federal Government at all levels.
  5. Trump's tactic of blaming his opposition and denying any responsibility is laid bare when the foe in an implacable, apolitical enemy like a virus that will only be swayed by truth and science.
  6. The Deplorable Lemming Herd that dyingly supports their messianic leader has blinded themselves to the cliff they're falling off as you read this.
Trump Tests Positive for the Coronavirus (Date:Fri 2 Oct 2020 01:19:17 -0400)Donald Trump
Deplorable Lemming Herd
2021:Voting Campaign
2020 General Election
The president’s result came after he spent months playing down the severity of the outbreak that has killed more than 207,000 in the United States and hours after insisting that “the end of the pandemic is in sight.”I pray all the sick get better but someone who flaunts the wisdom of experts and contracts the virus should not be leading the fight against the virus.
Vilified Early Over Lax Virus Strategy Sweden Seems to Have (Date:Tue 29 Sep 2020 23:35:52 -0400)Care
2020 General Election
Coronavirus disease 2019
After having weathered high death rates when it resisted a lockdown in the spring, Sweden now has one of Europe’s lowest rates of daily new cases. Whether that is an aberration remains to be seen.Be curious to see where this ends up per capita?
Covid-19 Live Updates: Under 10 Percent in U.S. Have Antibodies Study Finds (Date:Sat 26 Sep 2020 09:05:02 -0400)Donald Trump
Deplorable Lemming Herd
2021:Voting Campaign
2020 General Election
Coronavirus disease 2019
The Navajo Nation, the largest U.S. Indian reservation, restores a full weekend lockdown as cases spike. The governor of Bali, who reopened the Indonesian island to domestic tourism, has tested positive.Herd immunity is proving to be elusive.
... further results

Care Content

Care QuotesCare
Donald TrumpPeople are dying in the United States due to inexperienced, incompetent leadership at the federal level. Worse this leadership seems motivated primarily to stay in power and not serve. The only bright spot is because they are so incompetent and will not sacrifice they are willingly abdicating their responsibility to the States and NGOs who are marshaling the medical and scientific community to lead us out of this pandemic.

GoldenCalf.jpeg #Greed Let Trump focus on the dollars, his worshipped golden calf, while professionals do the real logistics work to lead us out of this crisis. Trump has not the skill, work effort nor motivation to do anything other than tout the great job he's doing and advocate for letting the good times roll again. He and his supporters are perfectly willing to let thousands die on the altar of his re-election.

“We’re opening up this incredible country. Because we have to do that. I would love to have it open by Easter,” Trump said.
“I would love to have that. It’s such an important day for other reasons, but I’d love to make it an important day for this. I would love to have the country opened up, and rarin’ to go by Easter.”
In a second interview with Fox that aired Tuesday afternoon, Trump said he offered the holiday as a deadline because “Easter’s a very special day for me.”
“Wouldn’t it be great to have all the churches full?” Trump asked. “You’ll have packed churches all over our country … I think it’ll be a beautiful time.”

President Trump March 24, 2020

"No one reached out to me and said, 'As a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival, in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren?"' Patrick remarked. "And if that's the exchange, I'm all in."
Texas Lt. Gov March 23, 2020
Trump Tests Positive for the Coronavirus (Date:Fri 2 Oct 2020 01:19:17 -0400)WASHINGTON — President Trump said early Friday morning that he and the first lady have tested positive for the coronavirus, throwing the nation’s leadership into uncertainty and escalating the crisis posed by a pandemic that has already killed more than 207,000 Americans and devastated the economy.

“Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter shortly before 1 a.m. “We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!”

Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2020

The president’s physician said Mr. Trump was “well” without saying whether he was experiencing symptoms and added that the president would stay isolated in the White House for now.

“The president and first lady are both well at this time, and they plan to remain at home within the White House during their convalescence,” the physician, Sean P. Conley, said in a statement without saying how long that would be. “Rest assured I expect the president to continue carrying out his duties without disruption while recovering, and I will keep you updated on any future developments.”

Other aides to the president would not say whether he was experiencing symptoms, but people at the White House noticed that his voice sounded raspy on Thursday, although it was not clear that it was abnormal for him, especially given the number of campaign rallies he has been holding lately.

Mr. Trump received the test result after one of his closest advisers, Hope Hicks, became infected, bringing the virus into his inner circle and underscoring the difficulty of containing it even with the resources of a president. Mr. Trump has for months played down the severity of the virus and told a political dinner just Thursday night that “the end of the pandemic is in sight.”
Vilified Early Over Lax Virus Strategy Sweden Seems to Have (Date:Tue 29 Sep 2020 23:35:52 -0400)It seemed very last January, before the spread of Covid-19 in Europe, but it was actually last week, as many European nations were tightening restrictions amid a surge of new coronavirus cases. In Sweden, new infections, if tipping upward slightly, still remained surprisingly low.
For their part, the Swedes admit to making some mistakes, particularly in nursing homes, where the death toll was staggering. Indeed, comparative analyses show that Sweden’s death rate at the height of the pandemic in the spring far surpassed the rates in neighboring countries and was more protracted. (Others point out that Sweden’s overall death rate iscomparable to that of the United States.) Now, though, the question is whether the country’s current low caseload, compared with sharp increases elsewhere, shows that it has found a sustainable balance, something that all Western countries are seeking eight months into the pandemic — or whether the recent numbers are just a temporary aberration.
In essence, some experts say, they are quietly adopting the Swedish approach.
“We are happy that the number of cases is going down rapidly and we do believe immunity in the population has something to do with that,” he said in the interview, conducted just before the case numbers rose slightly. “And we hope that the immunity in the population will help us get thought this fall with cases at a low level.”
Some experts believe Sweden is now almost fully in control of the virus.
Covid-19 Live Updates: Under 10 Percent in U.S. Have Antibodies Study Finds (Date:Sat 26 Sep 2020 09:05:02 -0400)Less than 10 percent of people in the United States have antibodies to the coronavirus, suggesting that the nation is even further from herd immunity than was previously estimated, according to a study published on Friday in The Lancet.

The study looked at blood samples from 28,500 patients on dialysis in 46 states, the first such nationwide analysis.

The results roughly matched those of an analysis to be released next week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which found that about 10 percent of blood samples from sites across the country contained antibodies to the virus.

Dr. Robert R. Redfield, the director of the C.D.C., was referring to that analysis when he told a congressional committee this week that 90 percent of people in the country were still vulnerable to the virus, a C.D.C. spokeswoman said.

An accurate estimate of the country’s immunity is important because President Trump, in collaboration with his new medical adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas, has tentatively promoted the idea of reaching herd immunity by canceling lockdowns, mask-wearing campaigns and social-distancing mandates. The plan would be to let the virus wash through the population while trying to protect the people deemed most vulnerable.

Most public health experts say that such a policy would lead to hundreds of thousands of additional deaths, as it is impossible to protect all Americans who are elderly or have underlying conditions like diabetes and heart disease that render a person more likely to become seriously ill or to die.

The study of dialysis patients, done by scientists from Stanford University, found wide variances in antibody levels around the country. In the New York metropolitan area, including New Jersey, antibody levels were higher than 25 percent of samples tested. In the western United States, they were below 5 percent.

Over all, the researchers estimated the prevalence to be about 9.3 percent.

The implication, Dr. Redfield said in a statement, is that most people in the country are still susceptible to the virus and therefore should continue to take steps such as wearing masks, staying six feet away from other people, washing hands frequently, staying home when sick and “being smart about crowds.”
More than 130,000 coronavirus cases have been identified at American colleges over the course of the pandemic, according to a New York Times survey. That figure has grown by tens of thousands since early September as fall classes have continued despite major uncontrolled outbreaks.
The Navajo Nation, the largest Native American reservation, has reinstated a full weekend lockdown to try to contain new spikes in infections.

Weekend lockdowns helped curb the spread of the virus after harrowing outbreaks earlier in the year, and the 57-hour lockdown that started at 8 p.m. on Friday will last through Monday at 5 a.m.

Residents were ordered to stay home or face fines as high as $1,000. Stores, restaurants and businesses such as hay vendors are prohibited to operate during the lockdown, and the measure also bans wood hauling, a common weekend activity this time of year. The authorities said they would confiscate firewood from violators.

The nation has had more than 10,200 infections and 551 related deaths since the pandemic began. Months ago, when the virus first exploded on the reservation, leaders instituted full weekend lockdowns. Infections subsided, but they kept the restrictions from Saturday night through Monday morning.

The reservation recently experienced a stretch of weeks with few or no new virus cases on some days, but then new clusters were detected, and new daily cases reached 42 on Thursday, followed by 26 on Friday.

Jonathan Nez, the Navajo Nation’s president, said that contact tracers had found the new clusters to be connected to Navajo citizens who had contracted the virus after traveling off the reservation. All three of the states the nation is spread over — Arizona, New Mexico and Utah — are enduring high or rising rates of infection, and only New Mexico has a statewide mask requirement.

“Please do not hold family gatherings, and please do not travel to hot spots off the Navajo Nation,” Mr. Nez said in a statement after the new clusters were disclosed.
As the pandemic persists and the U.S. presidential election approaches, much of the world is watching the country with a mix of shock, chagrin and, most of all, bafflement.

The diminution of the United States’ global image began before the pandemic, as Lemmus.jpg#Trump administration officials snubbed international accords and embraced an “America first” attitude. Now, though, its reputation seems to be in free-fall.

From Southeast Asia to North America, people are asking: How did a superpower allow itself to be felled by a virus? And why won’t BS Flag.png #Lie Lemmus.jpg#President Trump commit to a peaceful transition of power?
Retirements layoffs labor force flight may leave scars on U.S economy (Date:Mon 14 Sep 2020 09:11:29 -0400)(Reuters) - Judith Ramirez received a letter this month that she’d been dreading: The Honolulu hotel that furloughed her from a housekeeping job in March, during the lockdown triggered by the coronavirus pandemic, made her layoff permanent.

Ramirez, 40, was originally told she might be called back after business picked up. But infections increased in Hawaii over the summer and quarantine restrictions for visitors were extended, a blow to the state’s tourism-dependent hotels.

Six months into the pandemic, evidence of longer-term damage to the U.S. labor market is emerging, according to separate analyses of detailed monthly jobs data by labor economists and Reuters.

Retirements are drifting up, women aren’t reengaging with the job market quickly, and “temporary” furloughs like Ramirez’s are becoming permanent - trends that could weigh on the U.S. economic recovery in the short term as well as the country’s prospects in the long term.
... further results


I've tried to put together an objective analysis that allows us to respond effectively to this crisis but it is hard because this is really personal for me and what is happening in NY is heartbreaking.

I am a software engineer so I've done what I can to collect the information and present it in a format that supports decision making at all levels. Included here are the articles I've read recently and my thoughts on them and for a historical perspective the headlines I've collected from various sources (see table of contents). I encourage you to read and comment making this page better. Use the discussion page(you'll need and ID if you don't have one).

After my analysis it is clear to me that as a Country we have put the economy ahead of the people. I feel this will destroy both the Country and the people.

  1. 2020 April Headline Analysis
  2. 2020 March Headline Analysis
  3. 2020 February Headline Analysis
  4. 2020 January Headline Analysis
  5. 2019 December Headline Analysis

Word Virus in Headline

Virus Headline Analysis

Word COVID in Headline

COVID Headline Analysis

Word Coronavirus in Headline

Coronavirus Headline Analysis

References and Metadata

Tag for #Healthcare , #Immigration Humanitarian Aid, #Donald Trump/Policies/Health Care , #Donald Trump/Policies/Child Care , #Donald Trump/Policies/Veterans Affairs Reform and #Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act {{#setmainimage:RedCross.jpg}}